Friday, March 21, 2008

Raider's News

Raiders Idol

It has been heard that this year St.Albans city school will he holding Raiders Idol! This is a time where people who usually sit quietly in a corner can come out and shine. We had a Raiders Idol two years ago and it was a success. We are hoping many other students will join in this great event. I don't have the date yet but I'll write as soon as get the information hope you come and watch.

The school has raiders idol for fun. It is fun for kids to sing so being able to do it in school is awesome


St. Albans Student News Team said...

The school is going to have Raider idol again???
Can't wait!!

St. Albans Student News Team said...

The Raiders Idol will be held on May 30. Talk to Mrs. Z for more information.

St. Albans Student News Team said...

Why does our school have the raiders idol ?


St. Albans Student News Team said...

What happens in Raiders Idol and how can I join

St. Albans Student News Team said...

what happens in raiders idol is when st. albans city students compete. They sing, and dance. Then the winners are picked by 3 teachers. You can join by talking to Ms. Z at the gym.
We have raiders idol for fun